How Vape Technology Has Reduced Exposure to Toxicants | Dr. Noah Minskoff | Palo Alto, CA
Vaping is to be 95% better for your health than smoking, and its effectiveness as a quitting aid means you’re more likely to succeed in cutting down or quitting. They’re not entirely risk-free, but they carry a small percentage of the risk of traditional cigarettes. Those who switch to vaping instantly see and feel great health benefits, including lower blood pressure, easier breathing, an improved immune system, improved sense of taste and smell, and improved lung function,
Most conventional vaping devices are based on a coil-and-wick system whereby e-liquid is drawn up from a reservoir by a cotton wick. A metal coil is wrapped around the wick and, when heated, turns the liquid into vapor. The resulting vapor has dramatically fewer and lower levels of specific toxicants than cigarette smoke. Nevertheless, some low-quality coil-and-wick systems, or those not used per the manufacturer’s instructions, can dry out or overheat, known as dry-wicking. This process can cause the thermal breakdown of humectants in the e-liquid, leading to the creation of toxic compounds, such as carbonyls. Vape does not produce tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most harmful elements in tobacco smoke.
The vape industry has been improving their technological advancements so that smoking can be safer and more enjoyable for everyone as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. Companies have been developing technologies and acquiring global patents to provide the most specific and suitable vaping devices. Recently, scientists at British American Tobacco performed a series of tests designed to investigate particular compounds in the vapor from iSwitch, BAT’s latest vapor product, which utilizes a stainless-steel blade to warm e-liquid. By surprise, the trial showed that the iSwitch vapor had fewer and lower levels of specific toxicants than cigarette smoke. Some toxicants found in smoke are not in iSwitch vapor, and others were discovered to be reduced by around 99%.
Most e-liquids only contain four main ingredients, a PG (propylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerin) base, nicotine, and vape flavorings, all of which are known to be safe for consumption. Standard cigarettes, on the other hand, contain more than 7000 chemicals when the smoke is exhaled. All in all vape instruments have become a helpful resource to reduce exposure and even quit smoking altogether.
Originally published at on December 2, 2021.